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Prime Riverfront Acreage at Vivonne Bay!



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Sophie 0428 922 515

Stuart 0416 399 535


By Appointment Only

Lot 836 Knofel Dve Vivonne Bay

SUCH A RARE opportunity - Approx. 11.34HA

What an incredibly special parcel of land held in the same family for nearly 50 years! This is definitely one to hold onto.

Vivonne Bay is famous for its spectacular beach, the beautiful Harriet River that meanders its way through here to meet the sea, not to mention the KI Whiting Burgers from the general store across the road!

On offer is 11.34 hectares of beautiful natural vegetation studded with gorgeous Kangaroo Island Grass Trees.

This property enjoys just over one kilometre of frontage to the Harriet River. Such a fabulous location to camp, launch your kayak and paddle to the river mouth for for a picnic lunch.

It really is such a beautiful spot to just sit and enjoy the privacy and nature that abounds here from both a native vegetation and wildlife perspective.

Please call Sophie 0428 922 515 or Stuart 0416 399 535 for further information or to request an offer form today!


Address: Allotment 836 Knofel Drive, Vivonne Bay

CT - Vol 5828 Folio 871

Council - Kangaroo Island

Zoning - Conservation

Council Rates approx. $1428.05 p.a.

SA Water Supply $N/A

Emergency Services Levy $TBC


All developments approvals are subject to council/planning consents.

Whilst all information has been obtained from sources we believe to be accurate, it cannot be relied upon and we accept no liability for any errors or omissions (including but not limited to a propertys land size, building size floor plans, building age and condition). All interested parties should seek and obtain independent advice. Should this property be scheduled for auction, the Vendors statement may be inspected at our office for 3 consecutive business days immediately preceding the auction and at the auction for 30 minutes prior to schedule start time.